Welcome Aboard !!!

Friday, Amy 3, 2024

So it has been over a year since I last updated and what a crazy year it has been!  After we arrived home from Paris via air ambulance, we immediately visited Oliver's neurosurgeon to get a definitive diagnosis of a urinary tract infection. He was started on an antibiotic and began improving quickly. He still had some disorientation and we had to go to Dawson ville, GA to do the final walk-through and close on our house. That all went well and we returned to Beaufort to finish packing.

The movers came on June 16 and within a couple of days we were pretty much settled into our new house. Lots of unpacking and we spent quite a bit of time establishing new relationships with various specialty doctors......neurologist, pain management, primary care, dentist, etc. 

Fourth of July was our first big family get together around our pool. Bunny and John, Spencer and Josh, Alex, Whit and the 3 little boys. It was loud and great fun!